A complete embarrassment. Avoid like the plague.
25 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If you're thinking about watching this because it has characters from better call saul: DON'T! This show has nothing to do with BCS. I'd go so far as to say that "The Last Airbender" movie portrays the avatar universe better than this show portrays the BB/BCS universe. There are only three characters in this show from the BCS universe: Jimmy, Chuck, and Marco. Honestly, it's hard to pick which of these three's characters' were butchered the most.

Let's start with Jimmy. For a show about "Slippin' Jimmy," you would expect Jimmy to be, you know, a bad kid? Well, he's actually just a normal kid! Yep, I've probably done worse things in elementary school. The only "mischievous" thing that Jimmy does in the entire show is steal ice cream from his camp counselor. The one rebellious action from Jimmy in the entire show, and the writers still portray it as a good thing (to be clear, jimmy stealing wasn't a bad thing; the camp counselor Jimmy stole from was cartoonishly evil and he deserved it. My point is that at no point in the series does Jimmy act like a bad kid. ). For Christ's sake, they dedicate a whole episode to Jimmy bringing a gramophone to Chuck to show that he cares about him! Ah yes, Slippin' Jimmy: famously known for being a goody two-shows who gives his brother gifts! I thought this show would be about Jimmy pulling pranks on people, not about him being a Saint!

Speaking of Chuck, the writers didn't butcher him as much as I'd expected. Probably cause he only shows up in one episode, and that episode has no dialogue. The only thing he does is listen to classical music and then he hugs Jimmy once he gives him a gramophone. Here's my problem: these two are rivals in BCS, so I would expect Jimmy to at least have pulled some pranks on him when he was a kid. In the BCS episode "Chicanery," Chuck literally describes how Jimmy stole money from his parents when he was 9! Now, all of a sudden, he's a perfect kid who has no conflicts with his brother.

The third character from BCS is Marco. I mean, what can I say except for he's just a watered down version of Patrick Star. He's just the stereotypical dumb sidekick who's always hungry and loves talking about food. Just a dull and annoying character who has nothing to do with Marco from BCS.

Now, after all this rambling about how much they butchered the characters, you might be asking: "Well, would I enjoy the show if I've never watched BB/BCS?" The answer is NO. Not only is this a terrible BCS spin-off, it's just a terrible show in general. Even if this show wasn't tied to the BCS universe, it would still be a 2/10. And the reason is the comedy. I did not laugh once. I did not chuckle once. I did not smile once while watching this entire thing. Some people say humor is subjective, but I think everyone would agree that the comedy is objectively bad. The main reason the comedy is so bad is because most of the "jokes" are just characters being irritating. Listen, writers: Annoying does not = funny! Characters getting on my nerves makes me want to laugh a lot less, if you could believe it. Let me deconstruct one of these "annoying=funny" scenes:

At the beginning of episode 1, (which btw, is the worst episode. It's probably the only one I'd give a 1/10, the other episodes are 2-3ish/10.) Jimmy goes up to three "bad guys" who have three sleds behind them. Jimmy asks them if they have a sled for him, and they explain that they're one sled short. Then Jimmy threateningly says "No, I think you brought two too many." So far there has been no joke. Then one of the three bad kids says "I don't get it." Jimmy then awkwardly explains that he was trying to threaten them. Jimmy's explanation goes on for 20 seconds because the three kids still don't understand what he's trying to say. And that's the first "joke" of the entire show. What is the joke, exactly? "Haha, Jimmy threatened them, but they didn't understand it was a threat because they're DUMB and STUPID! Har har har!" I just don't get it. This scene was not funny, it was 20 seconds of awkwardness and tedium.

And that's pretty much the level of quality that the rest of the "comedy" is at. It's telling that the episode I enjoyed the most was silent and had no dialogue. So I repeat: if you're a fan of BB and BCS: do not watch this because it adds nothing to the story. If you think the show might be good since you haven't watched BB or BCS: don't watch it either. This show is an abomination and an embarrassment, and please do not watch it. I give it a 2/10.
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