Boring with surface level characters.
27 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't read the book and I haven't seen Normal people but I decided to watch this one night because nothing else was on and I feel like I would have gained more from watching a turned off television set.

Nothing really happens in these episodes. Obviously, there is the affair, but I felt nothing from the act: I didn't feel bad for the wife, i didn't hate the cheating couple and I wasn't worried about them getting caught- why? Because I don't care about these characters. The show doesn't do a good job of making them intresting or even likable.

They're surface level characters and you can't delve into the depths of their being because they're too shallow.

The tedious scenes of a character making a cup of tea, of sleeping, walking, etc. It feels like they didn't have enough material from the book and needed to make up time for the episode count and just put in tedious amounts of a couple of second shots that hold literally no importance.

I didn't like any character, the love between Frances and Nick ( what love? What chemistry? When they were first on screen it felt awkward and I'm not believing the whole 'this is how two socially awkward outcasts fall in love' this was poor.)

And the friendship and romance between Frances and Bobbi I did not get. She came across as a non fun judgmental sjw who would tear anyone down who didn't share her opinion or didn't tell her how smart and progressive she is and then she would make Frances feel bad all the time- this is a horrible relationship.

Ugh. 12 episodes for this? Nah that's ridiculous and I honestly can't believe someone would watch this show and root for these characters. Nothing happens. And when something actually does happen it doesn't have impact.

I liked Jemima Kirk & the actress who played Frances but apart from that I didn't get anything from this show except wild annoyance at these 'progressive artsy dumdums' and boredom.
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