Halo Infinite (2021 Video Game)
Multiplayer leaves something to be desired but the campaign is rad
21 June 2022
When I first played the multiplayer, I was a little disappointed that there was no classic SWAT, you know, no shields, DMR and Battle Rifle kinda deal. They have some kind of weird, no shield, slayer kind of mode that is similar, but I really just want SWAT back like the good ol' days. I was confused about that for a while, and then I realized that the DMR isn't even in the game, so I'm not sure what the deal is with that. I can only assume that it'll be added sometime later with the new seasons, but I'd greatly appreciate a classics weapon like that already in game. Anyway, on multiplayer I've mostly spent my time chilling on Fiesta, and the new last Spartan standing, Gun Game kind of mode where everyone sweats their balls off. I have some fun on these, but only for about 30 minutes to maybe an hour and then I get kinda bored. I wish there was something keeping me there. I remember playing SWAT on Reach, 4, hell, even 5 for hours and hours. There really isn't anything in this that has captured my attention quite yet, besides....

The campaign rocks my socks off. I've been waiting so long for a open world FPS game, and ofc Halo does it. The beginning mission is a high stress, classic Halo mission and it's a perfect way to introduce the story. I loved playing through it, and then randomly showing up at the Ring was insane. My jaw dropped to the floor just by how insanely far the graphics have came. The gameplay (to me at least) feels mostly the same as Halo 4 with maybe a little bit of Reach and 5 sprinkled here and there (I can compare it to those easily because I played those three the most). The campaign feels like an all out war, capturing and liberating FOBs and POW camps is so fun, and is moderately challenging. I hope there are some more Boss fights cause I had a blast with the ones already given. The world feels as open as Skyrim but it cuts the travel time in half. It takes a few minutes to travel from destination to destination instead of literal hours. Speaking of Skyrim, the NPC's are about as hilarious as Skyrim. Sometimes they say and do the funniest things and I love it. I guess my only concern is that this could get old after a while. A lot of the missions feel the same, and I guess my question is what will be new in future updates? New weapons? New bosses? New location types? I can only assume that the answer to both of these questions are yes, but only time will tell.

Anyway, this game is fun, and it's pretty much free, so I'd recommend it. 8/10.
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