Bill Maher: #Adulting (2022 TV Special)
21 June 2022
I'm Swedish and just watched the show on HBO Max here in Gothenburg. I've have had a subscription for a couple of years now and I haven't heard of Bill Maher before I got HBO a few years back. I have now watched his Real Time every week for 4 years and I think it's one of the best shows out there. I used to follow David Letterman when a cable channel started to televise his show in middle of the 90s. Unfortunately Letterman is not as good and juicy as he used to be, I watched a couple of episodes on Netflix of his new programming and Letterman have just become a washed out older man in fold with the rest of the sheep.

This hasn't happened to Maher, I think he's getting better each year and though I'm a middle-aged white Conservative I enjoy Bill every week. I think he's very funny, warm and quick. And this 1 hour special is hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing, even my cat checked me out if I'm OK. I've read through some reviews on here which are negative and rate it low and I could understand that. I do have some woke and very leftists friends and recognise the reasoning and commenting. They just can't take a joke, unfortunately this how far our society have come. We need people like Maher who sees for what things really are,
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