Elvis Presley in a Supporting Role
23 June 2022
This film essentially begins with a young Confederate officer named "Major Vance Reno" (Richard Egan) leading his small band of cavalry on a successful attack of a Union train carrying a payroll of over $12,000. Not long afterward, her learns that his attack was actually carried out after the war was officially over and, as a result, he is left with a dilemma on what to do with the money. Rationalizes that his men desperately need the money to rebuild their homesteads, he evenly distributes it among them and rides off with the intention of finally marrying his fiancé, "Cathy" (Debra Paget) who has been waiting for his return for almost four years. What he doesn't realize, however, is that everyone back home had been told earlier that he had been killed in action and because of that Cathy has since married another man--his younger brother "Clint Reno" (Elvis Presley). Needless to say, this creates severe problems for everyone concerned when he shows up very much alive. Not only that, but he is also informed that the U. S. government has learned that he is in possession of their stolen payroll-and they intend to get it back one way or the other. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that, with this being Elvis Presley's film debut, I wasn't really sure what to expect. Especially with him in a supporting role. Fortunately, all things considered, I thought he performed reasonably well as did both Richard Egan and Debra Paget. That being said, while this surely doesn't rank as one of Elvis' best films ever, it was good enough for the time spent and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
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