Review of McBain

McBain (1991)
Christopher Walken taking on a role which you'd expect Stallone or Norris to have taken instead.
27 June 2022
According to IMDB, Christopher Walken is an actor who would never turn down any role. While normally you couldn't tell this from the movies he's made, here with "McBain" you can see that he certainly wasn't choosy! Plus, the story is VERY much unlike his other work.

The film beings on the day the war in Vietnam ended. Despite this, some evil North Vietnamese are taking delight murdering American prisoners...and McBain is among them. Soon a helicopter filled with angry American soldiers arrive adn destroy the camp...rescuing the prisoners in the process. This is VERY reminiscent of films such as Chuck Norris' "Missing in Action" and Sylvester Stallone's "Rambo: First Blood". However, this is only a small portion of the show you how McBain met up with a group of soldiers who would later join up with him on a new done without any government sanction.

Many years later, one of the men who rescued McBain is on TV. Apparently he was behind an attempt to topple the dictator of Colombia...a dictator who is rich from drugs and evil. Now this attempt is the lamest imaginable and how it all ended prematurely is amazingly poorly written. Suffice to say, the revolutionary is killed...and McBain decide to help his cause by attacking Colombia. So, something like a half dozen guys take on the Colombian sure sounds like a fair fight!!

What follows is what you'd expect from a ridiculous and low-budgeted action film. In other words, mostly indestructable heroes, novices who can EASILY beat a professional military and a lot fo macho histrionics from men who, mostly, look like accountants and insurance salesmen! What I enjoyed was watching all the 'Colombians' in the movie...which were, in fact, Filipinos and looked like Filipinos! Overall, a pretty limp movie. In fact, while I don't like "Rambo: First Blood" or the "Missing in Action" films, they are better and more enjoyable...and about equally mindless.
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