3 July 2022
This 'show' is an INSULT to everything in the Breaking Bad canon, and it's a salted injury to Better Call Saul too. Who thought THIS was a good idea: make Big-Mouth-esque animation and make it a canonical prequel to one of TV's Greatest Dramas? It's like if they made a Marvel Cinematic Universe prequel made with LITERAL stick figures, and showed us the origin story of Steve Rogers' obsession with farts or something. It's just... AWFUL!

This show suffers the same damn problems as crap like Santa Inc. And that poop-episode of The Boys Presents Diabolical, and it's blatant crassness shoddy animation and direction is a clear indication that 'Slippin' Jimmy' was made to fill a desperate content quota instead of creative AND artistic virtue: which is where Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul came from instead of being soulless products.

Don't give this show ANY money; pirate it because it's barely real entertainment as is. It doesn't deserve a cent of your money at all.
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