After the Fox (1966)
Fox Between Panthers
4 July 2022
Victor Mature plays an aged, has-been actor who spends so much time bickering with agent Martin Balsam about doing or not doing a French existential film, you'll simply want things to narrow into what the real movie's about...

And AFTER THE FOX doesn't mean what follows but who's following Peter Sellers' criminal named Fox: He broke out of prison, in disguise, and there's plenty of humor but not enough laughs outright...

Shame since the cinematography's so gorgeous, a satire on the pretentious side of 1960's French New Wave cinema, ironically directed by 1950's minimalist BICYCLE THIEVES auteur Vittorio De Sica, who doesn't allow either his funny (Sellers) or straight man (Mature) enough time together...

Leaving the best scenes to Britt Ekland as The Fox's film-buff little sister he lives to protect, even more important than the plot to recover his previously stolen loot. But, like that bogus art film (badgered by noisy, annoying villagers), all that matters is the deliberately pointless running around, which is entertaining yet tiresome. And not always in that order.
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