Clark (2022)
Horrifically enjoyable romp.
17 July 2022
I think this show does a good job of showing Clark's exploits through Clark's deluded eyes where he sees himself as a lovable rogue whilst also showing the real truth that he was a nasty piece of work who exploited and bullied all around him, ruined many lives and probably eneded a few as well. The final episode shows him as he truly was with one scene of bullying leading to a extremely violent attack on a innocent person. Like most con men he had the ability to charm hence the Stockholm syndrome label but he was far from charming in reality as a journalist tells him in the final scene he used and exploited people for hs own needs and then dumped them like he dumped his children. This is why this show is so good, it is funny, sad and horrific in parts yet manages to capture the truth without making Clark seem anything else than deluded.
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