The Beginning Of A Legendary Dynasty
11 August 2022
Do you play Romance Of The Three Kingdom on your cellphone or computer? Did you read San Guo Yan Yi? So you must familiar with characters such as Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Guan Yu etc. Those characters were lived around 200 AD, near the end of Han dynasty. This movie was about 400 years before that era, around 200 BC, when Han dynasty was on its way to it rising era.

Xiang Yu from Chu, the most powerful warlords after the fall of Qin dynasty vs Liu Bang, the king of Han, competed for all China at that moment. Their struggled for power even inspired people to make chinese chess (xiangqi). This 3 hours movie although couldn't captured all of the historical details, but quite stay true to its historical source. So if you like ancient history war stories, you won't be disappointed with this one!

Epic 10/10.
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