A solid and very fun film!
21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Personally I quite enjoyed myself when watching The Revenge of Scar, as a big fan of the original Manga and Anime I felt myself enjoying the alterations and changes that they made to the story to tell it as a movie, what's nice is that the events are the same though the settings are changed for cohesion and so it works as a movie.

The acting was better in this film than the first, I feel that Ryosuke Yamada was less overdramatic as Edward Elric this time and despite enjoying the first film for the same reasons as this one I have to agree that the acting was VERY over the top, so I'm glad it was improved.

I feel the passage of time between events was too fast in some scenes, one second Edward thinks about going to Xerxes and then Seconds later we CUT to him halfway there in the desert. A LITTLE too fast, but it didn't really matter just felt very fast haha.

So yeah, check it out if you're interested but if you weren't a fan of the first film, then you probably unfortunately won't enjoy it.

Thank you for reading my brief review of: FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST: THE REVENGE OF SCAR.
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