Complex and multi-layered
22 August 2022
My first impression when watching 'Welt am Draht' was that this was a clear case of style trumping substance. How wrong I was. The film really is incredibly stylish, with the interiors being pure 1970s elegance. Designer pieces that have become classics are scattered right, left and centre. But there is plenty of substance, too. In fact, this is probably the most complex and multi-layered sci-fi I have watched so far - it is a film that asks questions (and suggests answers) about our identity, free will, political manipulation and economic power, to list only a few issues that it addresses. Fred Stiller (Klaus Löwitsch), the new acting director of a government-sponsored research project that uses a computer to simulate real life, begins to notice strange discrepancies and to wonder whether the world he inhabits is a simulation similar to the one his project has developed. The plot is excellent, and the acting is good throughout, though I found the dialogues sometimes a little stilted and unnatural. The one downside of 'Welt am Draht' is the pacing, which is slower than necessary, and slower than in other German films of the 1970s. Other than that, this is a highly impressive sci-fi.
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