29 August 2022
With 'The Impatient Years' Hollywood addressed an issue that was probably far from unique during the war years: People who got married on the basis of a few days' acquaintance, who were then almost immediately separated because the husband had to go off to war, and who found, once he returned, that they had little in common. The film is in essence a humour-wrapped piece of advice on how to deal with such a situation. I am sure many viewers were able to relate to the story even if they found the advice itself impractical, to say the least. Jean Arthur, who plays the confused and bewildered young wife who meets a husband whom she hardly knows, is brilliant; the range of emotions she shows is stunning. Charles Coburn is excellent as interfering father and Phil Brown gives a convincing (and funny) lodger in love. Lee Bowman (as the husband) is perhaps a little bland. The plot moves fast; dialogues are witty. All in all this is a really nice comedy that is currently underrated at on average 6.4 stars.
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