Not as good as Jackson's films, but then again, what is
2 September 2022
It's inevitable that this gets compared to Jackson's LOTR films. It isn't as good. But it wasn't likely to be. Hell, even Jackson wasn't able to follow up his own work all that well.

I would say, this is better than The Hobbit, even if it does lack some of the directorial flair of the film.

Pilots are always hard and usually pretty bad and by that metric,. This is a far better pilot than manh others. Far too much time was spent on a somewhat clumsy prologue, but once it got going it's pretty good

It's more visually appealing than it looked in the trailer. It seems maybe the saturation was closed in the trailer, the show itself doesn't look nearly so digital or artificial. I'm enjoying the lighting and cinematography for the most part. There is one shot of CGI blood splatter on a camera lens that is pretty jarring but not a huge deal

The writing is pretty standard for fantasy. The characters could be stronger. It gets the job done

Looking forward to the rest of this. Time will tell if this pays off for Amazon. I hope it does.
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