Becky Sharp (1935)
My First Disapointment in Miriam Hoplins
4 September 2022
A Star is Born (1937) got me interested in early three strip Technicolor. This movie killed it. I never thought I would abandon a Miriam Hopkins movie. I can't help but chalk this one up to bad direction or a bad script. Since they were all hamming it up I can't help but think it was the former....{later} I only paused it. It turns out the hamming was partially Becky manipulating the swells. It's dialed back for the rest of the movie, not enough to not be noticed but enough to make finishing the movie doable. Becky is a scheming social climber trope. Similar to Lizzie Bennet, Scarlet O'Hara, Lilly Powers, and Stella Dallas. Only they never managed to make her sympathetic like they did Stella Dallas. I guess sometimes the other elements in a movie are so bad that even Miriam Hopkins can't save it.
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