Burial (II) (2022)
Don't pay ANY attention to ANY bad ratings. AWESOME movie!!!
5 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Please know this is my only SECOND review here (actually ANYWHERE) and I'm 55 years old.. Yes, there were a very few not so great parts and that's why I didn't give it a nine or a ten. I do understand we all see things (and movies) in different ways so all I want to put here is don't NOT watch this because of others negative **OPINIONS** of it...or because (SPOILER!!🙄🙄)...NO supernatural werewolves (which of course would be interesting in a different type of movie...NOT this one🙄😏lol). I watch a lot and I mean A **LOT** of movies and television shows and any time...ANY time I clap (whether with someone watching it with me or alone...this one I watched alone) it has to be a pretty darn good movie/tv show. I will also add this...If by chance you happen to be a small minded Nazi loving idiot, you might NOT enjoy seeing it😊.... BUT...if you truly enjoy watching a 'good' to 'great' movie I believe you won't regret the time spent to do so watching this one. I put " 'good' to 'great' " because (again) we all see things (and movies) in different ways and just because 'I' thought it to be 'great', 'you' might just think it's good. Lol OPINIONS ARE LIKE A.....I think I'll stop right there.😂🤣🤣lol. (Enjoy😊)
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