Thus, Multiplicity was Born
6 September 2022
I'm sure there has been at least one time in our lives when we wanted to replicate ourselves. Just this weekend I needed to wash my car, get gas, go to the store, and do laundry. I did two of the four things. It was too damn hot! If I could've replicated myself, I could've gotten all four things done with minimal effort.

In "The One Man Orchestra" Georges Meilies does replicate himself to become a seven piece orchestra. You know what they say, "If you want things done right, then do them yourself." Georges, with the help of some camera tricks, made it seem like he filled seven seats and then reconsolidated back to one individual.

To create the illusion of seven identical musicians, the film required seven simultaneous multiple exposures; only one other known Méliès film, The Melomaniac, uses so many exposures at once.
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