Why, oh why do I like movies like these? I know. Because they're fun!
6 September 2022
Wrestling Women vs. The Aztec Mummy (1964) - I found a beautiful print of this movie online that knocked my socks off.

The plot absolutely blew my mind - meaning that, boy, was it weird.

This is another in a series of Mexican sci-fi movies pitting its beloved wrestling heroes and heroines against various bad guys and/or supernatural beings.

In this case, the title screams out that these wrestling women are battling against an Aztec mummy that's terrorizing... someone, somewhere. And indeed, they do eventually battle a mummy.

But the mummy isn't the real bad guy.

The bad guy is really the leader of a gang of ruthless criminals. His name is Prince Fujiyata (Ramon Bugarini), but he's known as the Black Dragon. In their latest crime spree, he and his gang of ne'er-do-wells are killing archaeologists.

Why are they killing them? The archaeologists have found a map, which leads to a cave, which has the mummified bodies of a guy and his gal, who were interred after a weird Aztec virgin sacrifice ritual gone wrong.

Why should they care? The gal is wearing a breastplate that holds the key to finding a lost Aztec treasure.

The Black Dragon wants that map, so he and his gang are knocking off the archaeologists one by one, hoping to steal it.

The wrestling tag team of Loreta (Lorena Velazquez) and Golden Rubi (Elizabeth Campbell) get involved because that's what the Mexican wrestling gals and guys did back then. When they weren't delivering drop kicks, they were protecting the public from mayhem, especially supernatural mayhem. Plus, there is a family connection in there somewhere, which involves their friend, Charlotte (Maria Eugenia San Martin).

So for quite awhile we see Loreta, Golden Rubi and Charlotte getting kidnapped by and/or fighting against bad guys.

We also see an interesting wrestling match pitting our heroines against the Black Dragon's sisters - who are martial arts experts. And if you think that's weird, wait.

The Aztec mummy is one of the most bizarre-looking creatures you'll ever see. Well, maybe not. Almost all of the creatures in those Mexican horror/sci-fi films are anatomically hilarious. I say that with respect, by the way. I love the Mexican horror monsters.

But what is truly weird about this mummy is that he isn't always a mummy. Sometimes he turns into a bat. Sometimes he becomes a tarantula. Yep, he's a shapeshifter. Pretty snazzy for a bag of bones.

To enjoy this, you sort of have to go along with the flow. The wrestling women, aside from being easy on the eyes and likeable, are actually very talented with their wrestling and fighting skills. They'd give Emma Peel a run for her money.

The Aztec mummy makes hilarious noises, and overall is very cool.

What else do you need? Some beer. A snack of your choice. It's a fun time.
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