Review of Margaux

Margaux (2022)
10 September 2022
The "movie" is ridiculous but not in a fun way. Trust me. Same old story: A. I. house that's obviously evil for some unknown silly reason right from the start... yes the same premise that we're all watching since the 70's. Awful writing, laughable dialogue all the way. Imagine a 58yr old coke addict Hollywood burnout trying to make 30 something actors sound like teenagers on TikTok. Cringe after cringe. The CGI is decades behind and looks like hot garbage. The supposedly impressive high tech mansion looks like my uncle's summer house. The characters unlikeable empty human shells. 3 moderately pretty girls, you guessed it, we have the IG narcissistic idiot, the sex addict and the virgin nerd. Nothing to see or enjoy here. 3 guys, you guessed it, we have the jock, the loverboy who only cares about the girl, and the stoner who only cares about smoking the good good. People die in unimaginative boring ways but this is NOT a horror movie... and in the end you realise that nothing mattered at all during this way too long movie. No character development, no gore, no laughs or anything that makes you think. At the end we are at the beginning. Do yourself a favour and leave this borefest alone. Your time is way more valuable than anything that you gonna get out of this dumpster fire... yes, Jedidiah Goodacre is nice to look at but watch something else with him in it if that's your thing. No scares, no nudity, no fun. Skip it.
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