Welcome to Japan, Mr. Bond (1967 TV Movie)
Did Ed Wood Make This???
10 September 2022
Ok, hear me out on this one. I honestly believe that Ed Wood made this and I'll tell you why? First of all, it is primarily made of already existing footage, an Ed Wood tradition. Next, there is a lot of bad looping of dialog over unrelated footage, another Wood tradition. Third, the performances of Lois Maxwell and Desmond Llewelyn are hideously stilted and poorly directed. Fourth, the dialog they have is derivative and extremely Ed Wood like, and finally the director credited is Daniel Davis, which is the name Wood used as an alias as the actor in 'Glen or Glenda.'

Now how could Ed Wood have worked his way into the Eon universe? Well, he was quite a hustler, and managed to get people to go along with his crazy schemes. I submit that he somehow approached Saltzman and Broccoli and, using his alias, convinced them to let him make this promo. Now granted, there is no information out there to concur with my theory, but if you watch this show you will smell Ed Wood's fingerprints all over it.
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