Minecraft (2009 Video Game)
It used to be good, not anymore.
10 September 2022
Mojang's new Minecraft trailer

Here are the selling points of Java and Bedrock Edition:

Java: Infinite, awesome, free content

Bedrock: Limited, inferior, paid content

(Inferior doesn't mean bad, but that doesn't change the fact that you have to pay money for it)

If you had one version, you'll the other one for free!

If you had Java: You just wasted a lot of money

If you had Both: You just wasted SO MUCH money

If you had Bedrock: You just saved lots of money

(Most people own at least Java, therefore most people just wasted a lot of money)

After I watched the trailer, I wanted to play Bedrock Edition even less.

Minecraft servers and single player worlds are kid friendly now:

If a kid is on single player he won't even say something inappropriate in the chat (The chat that literally nobody else will ever read) If a grown up says something inappropriate in the chat, no kid will ever see it. Why on earth do single player worlds need chat filters and banning menu's, who would you ban other than yourself?!?!

Just add a parental control saying who the kid can play Minecraft with and what servers are moderated enough. (Moderators moderate a lot of servers. Mojang, don't put them out of business)

Hypixel has a chat filter that can be set to kid mode that is much more reliable than Minecraft's chat filter that doesn't even work. I once said in the chat, "Go in spectator mode and come to the house" to my friend, WHY ON EARTH WOULD THAT BE BLOCKED!!!! I've been using the highest level profanity filter (Even though I could bump up the filter, there's simply no need to hear that kind of stuff) so I don't peak in on weird conversations that I don't need to hear during my many hours on Hypixel. Have I ever peaked in on those conversations due to a bad filter? No! Minecraft's filter doesn't even work (As I mentioned earlier) No filter is perfect, but at least Hypixel's filter works way better than Minecraft's.

Btw, Mojang, swearings still aloud so the term kid-friendly doesn't apply. Also, if you get banned on Bedrock Edition, you can't even play on single player!

Other notes

I have a high tolerance, but this banning system is horrible and that's not all. Minecraft keeps getting worse. How long until Minecraft is no longer good? I used to think it would never get boring, and if it would, it would take hundreds of years. I couldn't have been more wrong.

It used to be that I owned lots of other games, but all I ever played was Minecraft. Now it's the other way around. In a weird way, thank you Microsoft, for getting to me to play games other than Minecraft.

One of my friends started saying that Minecraft is a dead game, I got mad at him, but now I'm starting to agree with him. Sorry, Mr. Anonymous.

So, down to the real question, is Minecraft still good? Bedrock edition, no. Java edition, yes until they add a marketplace. Once this happens, I will never step foot in this game again. Owners of Hypixel, please finish Hytale a little faster. I don't know how many more bad updates I can take. You are my saviors. Not you Mojang, I'm talking about Hytale. If Hytale isn't out when Java Edition gets ruined, I'll just be depressed for a few years. Ya, I know I talked about having other games. Well, Minecraft is my lifeline in a weird sense. While my other games are also fun, I've always needed a relaxing, creative, fun game that I can come back to when other games get boring or when I'm not in the mood for them. If was rich, I would buy Mojang and sell it to literally any company other than Microsoft. Maybe Notch could have his dream back! But I'm not that rich, and most people aren't either. Sry, Notch.

For Bedrock Edition, I have to give 1 star. If you asked me the same question during the last couple years, 4.5 stars, easily.

I know I'm being a bit harsh, but the path Minecraft is going down only goes south. So unless Minecraft turns around and starts climbing up once again, 1 star. If it weren't for this, I'd probably rate it 2 stars. There are still tons of problems. My rating doesn't even take into account all the bugs and weird graphics (Java's graphics are slightly different, but make all the difference In world).

Java does have less bugs and doesn't have a marketplace, so it's better. But Java is also going south.

You can't change old updates. That goes against the whole point of keeping old updates!

Mojang is such a great team. Not many games have lasted as long as Minecraft has, 12 years is a lot. Good job Mojang, you've brought so many people together and brought the best out of us. You should be proud. There was once a dream that was Minecraft, you've fulfilled them and more, but Microsoft is ruining that dream. Freedom, fun, creativity. These are the principles that Minecraft was built upon, not the principles Microsoft follows. I don't mean to offend anyone, but it's time for something new, something AWAY FROM MICROSOFT!

DO NOT BUY, JUST WAIT FOR HYTALE TO COME OUT. One last note: Old reviews are irrelevant nowadays, only read new ones.

LEGENDS NEVER DIE! (Except for Minecraft, Minecraft already has)
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