Rampage (1986 Video Game)
Rampaging Fun
12 September 2022
I played this on the 8-bits, specifically the Amstrad, and seeing it featured in 8-Bit Christmas (albeit on the NES) reminded me of it.

And I loved it. Who doesn't love at the age of eight thumping the crap out of anything and everything that moved? And to top it all buildings can fall down too if you thump them enough too.

Yes it was never as addictive as Pac-Man or going to be as cultural as Mario/Sonic/insert name of other major computing character/series here, but for a good 10/15 minute blast of fun you could have done far worse in the 1980s.

Okay the computer AI (particularly on the Amstrad version of this game) was a bit hit and miss in single player mode and sometimes it felt like you were the only one doing anything useful contributing to the rampage but at least you could thump them for doing something stupid, even if they never learnt :)
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