The writing goes from weak to "what," and the rest doesn't matter
26 September 2022
I found 1988's 'Evil dead trap' mildly enjoyable, but sadly disappointing. Strong direction, atmosphere, and gnarly horror visuals and ideas were dulled by bland slasher vibes for too much of the runtime, to say nothing of outright excess length, that diminished my engagement and did all their damage long before the reveal or climax. Far be it from me to exercise fastidious judgment in the movies I watch, however; why not give the 1992 sequel a try? I admit that under the circumstances I had a hard time approaching this with an open mind, but I did try. Though there's no real connection between this movie and its nominal predecessor, they are comparable in at least insofar as to stand the two features side by side, this makes the first look exemplary.

At first blush 'Evil dead trap 2' is notably more subtle, or at least reserved when it comes to its plot development and realization of any genre elements. Despite tastes of blood and gore and an early suggestion of where the story might go (emphasis on "might"), it takes a very long time for the plot to feel like it's advancing in any shape or form. As it more or less does the writing is still decidedly less than direct, characterized by not just a lack of clarity, but seemingly little rhyme or reason. Not unlike in the 1988 film, the most interesting and engaging aspects of the title don't roll around until quite late in the runtime. By the time they do, viewer engagement has been sufficiently dulled by the unimpressive preceding length that the best value is diminished, and it's hard to particularly care.

It's worse than that, though. It would be one thing if the storytelling were simply understated, but I don't feel that there's a great deal of substance to it in the first place. Ultimately the narrative as it presents comes across as confused, disordered, imbalanced, and altogether deficient. There comes a point where I can no longer ascertain what the plot actually is, and 'Evil dead trap 2' becomes a flurry of meaningless violence and horror imagery. Meanwhile, the visual presentation in and of itself isn't especially noteworthy - even with the most jarring blood, gore, or otherwise nastiness - and what good ideas there are herein are too scattered to really make a mark. It's difficult to care about the contributions of the cast, or those behind the scenes, when the material they're working with is all over the place, fragmented and messy.

I didn't find the movie very inspiring from the start, but I held onto hope for a slow-burn genre flick as vague notions of plot swirled about the first hour. Somewhere thereafter it just completely dispenses with any sense of a cohesive, coherent story, and with it any reason for the viewer to make note of the craft otherwise. It's not often that a feature manages to take as much as a nosedive as this one did, but when all is said and done I'm just kind of mystified. I hope other folks get more out of 'Evil dead trap 2' than I did, but for my part I just can't fathom why I'd ever recommend this to another person.
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