Pasta con Broccoli
30 September 2022
I don't think think it counts as a spoiler to reveal the star recipe of the episode, which is pasta with broccoli, and we learn that the garlic in it must be sautéed just enough, not too much, and never burnt!

Montalbano is like that - it simply oozes colour and flavour as a wonderful cult series, and the fabulous Sicilian food it showcases would just by itself make it all worthwhile. These days we are making Montalbano recipes all the time, and luckily for us, whenever we start to eat them, the phone never rings!

Down the years we have followed a number of detective series, many of them good viewing, but the only one we can think of which has attained cult status comparable with this is Morse. And the prequel to Montalbano, 'Il Giovane Montalbano' is vastly better than that of Morse, 'Endeavour', which starts OK, but descends into utter awfulness.

This is certainly one of the very good episodes. The plot is tight and leaves you guessing, the subsidiary characters are also all excellent. Not for the first time, Catarella surprises us by coming up with a pure gem of lateral thinking to help unravel the mystery.

It would be both churlish and rude to give this one any score short of the perfect dieci (ten).
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