Werewolf by Night (2022 TV Movie)
Nice Little Surprise From Disney+ and a Breath of Fresh Air From Marvel and MCU
7 October 2022
This was a really well-done short tv movie and a great directorial debut of one of the best composers ever.

Everything production-wise to make this one feel as 30s horror as you can get is just top-notch. From the film grain which I have missed a lot since so many new movies are shot on digital and look too clean, and all the other visual lines and dots and circles you see in old movies.

This movie is surprisingly (not that surprising if you've seen the trailer) very bloody and gory and I think it helps that it's black and white, but it's still impressive and surprising we're getting this from Disney and MCU of all studios, and it makes me a little bit more hopeful about future movies of MCU like Blade and Deadpool and other stuff.

Phase 4 of MCU has been lackluster to say the least, but this is definitely the most unique and different looking and feeling project they've put out in a long time which I enjoyed thoroughly, and I wish it was longer because it had/has a potential for a long anthology series about the hunters and monsters of this universe.

And the potential is definitely way way more than Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk. Ms. Marvel and She-Hulk should've been a 2-hour tv movie and this could've been a series, but I'm still ok with them not making a formulaic 6 episode series that nothing happens for 5 episodes and they rush everything in a 35-minute finale.

Still, this one had interesting characters and a lore that could've been expanded into a feature-length film or a tv show. Because obviously, 50 minutes is not enough for complete characterization and storytelling, but this movie surprisingly did a good job of establishing its characters in this short runtime.

Considering this is the first time Michael Giacchino is directing, the direction and the cinematography of this movie are really impressive and the music completes the trio into making a really well-made short movie and an enjoyable one at that.

The only minor problem I had with it was the design of the werewolf itself, which is not that big of a deal and you'll get used to it, but the design is more man than wolf. Not to mention the goofy acrobatics and the martial arts the werewolf does like pretty much every other MCU superhero, which also felt more man than wolf.

So all in all, I thought it was a really nice surprise and a breath of fresh air and a time well-spent and I hope to see more of these tv movies from Disney+ instead of soulless formulaic 6-episode tv series.

  • Great directing from the first-time director Michael Giacchino
  • Great cinematography and music
  • Good and likable distinct characters as well as a decent plot introduced efficiently in a very short time
  • Great visual treat and an homage to 30s monster films
  • Bloody as can be
  • Gives hope to more mature and serious shows and movies from MCU
  • Good acting from all the actors and
  • Great action scenes for the most part

  • The story and characterization could've benefited a lot from another hour
  • The werewolf design could've been more wolfy and his attack scenes less superhero-y
  • The plot doesn't have much going for it and it's nothing new because of the short runtime
  • The short runtime makes the movie kinda forgettable.
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