Green Day: Basket Case (1994 Music Video)
OFOTCN in this video
7 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't have a detailed analysis of this video cause the other review pretty much covers it but I'd like to just add the knowledge that the video contains multiple references to the film "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" by Milôs Forman, starring Jack Nicholson. It's a movie that takes place in a real psychiatric hospital and touches on conformity in society and is almost an allegory for the communist rule in Europe.

This movie can relate to the video in respects to the treatment of the mentally ill as well. The patients are treated badly. Lobotomies, electroconvulsion therapy etc in the film compared to the obvious control in the video.

The orderlies resemble the ones in OFOTCN and the same with the nurse resembling the notorious Nurse Ratched. The iconic ending scene is also recreated with one of them throwing a block through a window.

Obviously, I'm more analysing OFOTCN but since the video recreates the film, those themes and analysis carry over.
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