Hit Man (1972)
Blaxploitation classic, violent and unpleasant but great entertainment for fans of the genre. Can you dig it?
21 October 2022
Oakland hard-case Tyrone Tackett (Bernie Casey) heads to LA to investigate the death of his brother and gets mixed up with honkeys, gangsters, gangstas, 'hos, pimps, and the porn industry. The story is based on the novel 'Jack Returns Home', which had been filmed the previous year as 'Get Carter' with Michael Caine (one of the most 'cold-blooded' films I have seen). The jive-urban-funk-hip-brother-Black Power vibe is great but so permeating that the film almost comes off as a parody of the genre. For an exploitation flic, the cast, which includes Pam Grier as a statuesque but repellant porn-star, is quite good and the fashions are outstanding (Tyrone's 'fro is large, his hat awesomely rakish, his plaid pants fly, and his lapels are like the wings of a condor). The blood-letting is over the top (but not particularly real-looking), the nudity abundant, and as a bonus, there are no horribly choreographed martial-arts fights. Although both ethnically and chronologically far removed from the film's original target audience, I thoroughly enjoyed it (but I have a weakness for vintage blaxsploitation, of which TCM seems to have plenty). Solid, brother!
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