Review of Hall

Hall (2020)
Great movie with a few plot holes
22 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The good: Amazingly swift virus that debilitates the infected super quickly. Not sure how it's spread; a very mysterious and man-made virus. Special effects are done fairly well and believable.

My favorite part is that this is at the very beginning of the spread. It literally took over and killed almost everyone in just 1 hallway of a hotel, with the potential to spread to the entire place and eventually outside.

The bad; Questionable characters. Yes the protagonist is very flawed, but you can't really blame her too much since she has been living with domestic violence for years. Two things that 1 star reviewers mention: The first - She left her child outside for so long! Well, she just found out that her husband is also physically abusing her daughter, and also she just watched said husband develop a really nasty zombie-like virus that just attacked her and then died a few minutes later. When she goes outside, she finds multiple people with the same virus, so of course she's in shock. She manages to find her daughter after all.

The second is how she just left with her daughter without telling the hotel guests what's going on. I agree this is a selfish thing to do, but keep in mind that you don't know if anyone else is in on this virus; how can one floor be completely insane and find another floor having a party. They also stopped all dialog and had everyone looking directly at you (I find that highly suspect).

The supernatural elements can be explained fairly easily. The ones that aren't showing symptoms but are seeing things are probably infected but haven't gone through the main phase yet (The Japanese lady imagined her mother in the hallway, confirming that one of the symptoms of the virus is seeing and hearing things that aren't there). Both the protagonist and her daughter were seeing things.

I wish they would make a sequel and answer many of the questions, but with such poor reviews are unlikely.
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