Review of Linoleum

Linoleum (2022)
Above and Beyond
23 October 2022
I saw LINOLEUM at the Montclair Film Festival and there was a Q&A with director Colin West and producer Chadd Harbold that followed the screening. (Along with a lottery ticket giveaway by Colin for people in the audience who share the same birthday!) The audience was very enthusiastic, as was I and my wife. A very unique film and ne that could easily be ruined by simple spoilers.

You need to pay attention because there is subtle time shifting etc. But we felt it all came together in the last third of the film with many a revelatory "oh, yeah" from us - and that continued after we left the theater (for me, the sign of a great film) I still have lots of questions and want to see the film again. (Was Kent an astronaut? Did something really crash into their backyard?) I would highly recommend this film. See it with some people that you can have a conversation with afterwards.
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