Inside Amy Schumer (2013–2022)
I just do not get it
24 October 2022
Amy Schumer has been doing this whole: "hey I'm talking about sex and my vagina and sex in my vagina" type of comedy for years now and for whatever reason, she hasn't caught on that it's just not funny. Nor is it appealing. Plenty of female comics have done this sort of topic before but for some reason it's just extra unappealing when Amy Schumer does it. She's just gross. Gross humor can be funny but Amy Schumer just can't pull it off. It's almost like she thinks this is the comedy that we want her to do. Well I don't, at least. Her popularity has been in a steady decline for the last ten years or so but her material just hasn't changed at all.

Even the title of the show is gross. Not the funny kind of gross either. She used to be the kind of edgy, sharp jab comedian who would catch you off guard with some witty material but now it just seems tired and worn out. Like a prize fighter who fights for decades and at the end of their career they still think they can fight the same way they did when they were in their prime. Except Amy Schumer was never at the top exactly. Maybe in her mind she is or perhaps someone in Hollywood is feeding her something that is reinforcing the notion that this sort of material works for her. She didn't used to gross me out like she does now but I can hardly look at her face anymore without recoiling in disgust. Seeing her comedy is like accidentally witnessing your grandparents doing 69 in the bed you use when you come to visit them. Yeah it's memorable alright but you sure wish it weren't.
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