An amazing cast where a 9-year-old is the best part - unheard of
2 November 2022
It's a big risk when you base your movie around a child. Nine times out of ten it will end in an annoying disaster. The likes of 'Home Alone' are the exception. 'Little Miss Sunshine' is a rare case of getting it oh so right. Abigail Breslin was fantastic in this movie.

Sure she has an amazing cast of adults around her. But in a way that only makes her performance even more impressive. She is not only holding court with them, she is often showing them up and stealing scenes.

There's a tremendous balance of uplifting and heavy material in this movie. It's a feel-good, but it isn't afraid to pull at the heart-strings either. Very few movies find the intricate balance between these two gears as well as this movie does.

It's taken me 16 years to finally see this movie but I'm glad I finally did. It is a treasure. 9/10.
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