Lawyer Man (1932)
Perfect Storytelling
16 November 2022
You are actually there in the shabby but vibrant and welcoming streets of late 20s New York. This film makes you feel at home there. It's a beautifully crafted movie filled with warmth and likeable characters you can care about.

The story isn't one which will make you think about the meaning of life or question the point of your own existence, it is a simple straightforward piece of entertainment. Although on paper, a story about an idealistic lawyer almost getting corrupted by the big bucks but trying to stay loyal to his principles to fight the absolutely shocking corruption in the local government might sound a bit heavy, this manages to keep it light, positive and will put a smile on your face.

1932 was such a strange year for movies - there's this with its natural, realistic performances - people you can believe in and feel you could get to know whereas there are others - many of which are much more well-known with the biggest stars in Hollywood acting like cardboard cut-outs with the vocal eloquence of your sat-nav. No such issues with this, it's no great piece of art but it's great entertainment. There's even a couple of minutes featuring the guy who eventually became Winnie to Poo!

Joan Blondell's part in this is quite small but because Powell is so charismatic and commands the screen, even her biggest fans wouldn't actually mind. Although she doesn't have any real impact on the story, she is the vital ingredient adding sunshine and exactly the right amount of smiles and wisecracks. Her heart must have sank when she got this script: Oh no, she must have thought, not another wisecracking, sexy secretary again.... but nobody else could do what she did with such innocent charm and saucy sweetness.
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