B type movie with better production value
20 November 2022
This movie is entertaining. The acting could be better. The fighting sequences are well choreographed and executed. The story is not as jumbled as some people would have you believed. It is a continuation of the first movie set in modern times. The set pieces look higher in value then they should be. The cinematography is well done. Even during the fight sequences, the cameras keep track of everything. If you're a fan of these types of movies. You will like it. I think, over time, it will be appreciated more. I mean this next part, not out of hatred, but out of making people aware of something that is inherently wrong with Hollywood today. Unlike the garbage coming out of Hollywood the last 5 to 8 years, this movie knows what it is, and does not betray that. It is a lot like the John wick series, Top Gun, Terrifier, and so on. It gives us what we expect and doesn't try to fake virtue signal or subvert our expectations. I'm not saying, don't enjoy other shows and movies. Just be honest with yourself. Disney is the guiltiest of all corporations. I'm not saying this movie is perfect. Not by any means. But. I knew what to expect going into this and was not disappointed. Could have been better. But. I was satisfied. It is not on the quality of The Raid series with Iko. But. I didn't expect that. Overall. Very entertaining. Hope this review helps.
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