Review of Mammals

Mammals (2022)
Good, to good god let it end
30 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's pretty difficult to put in to words how quickly Mammals descends in to utter nonsense inhaling its own bull and calling it perfume. I won't lie, the first episode had me hooked. What started as such a good and even funny set up becomes one of the most insulting shows I think I've ever seen. All the plots the show teases are quickly, boringly and cheaply wrapped up in the most lazy way possible. The pursuit of Paul becomes a cheap yeah it was a pseudo name and he was right under your nose the whole time thing. Armadais begins to increasingly talk in more and more riddles as if to justify the cheating and it feels like the show is trying to make some point with it? Oh and Jamie? Plot twist, he might've been having an affair all along. Except it isn't really a twist because the show gives no evidence of that and then just throws in there at the end because why not?

Throughout the course of the show so many complex themes are touched on: monogamy, grief, stress, mental health. But in the final episodes they are handled about as delicately as a chainsaw that if you hoped, prayed for a satisfying story arc or conclusion you'll be not only be disappointed but probably insulted.
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