You watch this less for the story and more for the amazing musical acts.
3 December 2022
In "Reveille with Beverly", you get to see a LOT of famous musical acts of the day...such as Count Basie, Frank Sinatra, the Mills Brothers as well as Duke Ellington! They all are playing themselves in this film based on a radio program of the same name, "Reveille with Beverly".

Beverly (Ann Miller) works in a music store, though jumps at a chance to work for a local radio station. She'd love to have her own radio musical show...and she hopes that working there as a receptionist will lead to a chance to be on the air. Well, after a bit of conniving, she gets to fill in for one of the disc jockeys and soon she's a hit...especially with the soldiers (since it was made during WWII, they were sure to add this to make the film seem patriotic). But her boss is a knucklehead and he fires her instead! What's next? Well, a lot...including a case of two guys pretending to be each other!

The story is slight but enjoyable but THE reason to see the film is to see and hear the great musical acts. This alone makes the film well worth your time.

By the way, the film also has support from Irene and Tim Ryan, who were married but in the midst of getting a divorce when they appeared in the movie. You might remember Irene, as she played 'Granny' on "The Beverly Hillbillies".
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