Not the dud I thought it might be
3 December 2022
Shamrock O'Day is a laundress whose family works for wealthy Richard Prentiss. Tom McGuire is Shamrock's neighbor, and chauffeur to wealthy Iris Van Suydam. Shamrock and Tom each wish for the good life, while Richard and Iris yearn for the simple life. Richard and Iris have an arrangement to be married. But fate intervenes, and Richard finds himself falling for Shamrock, while Iris falls for Tom. Both couples marry, but their relationships take rocky turns as class differences come to the forefront.

At first, I thought this film would be a dud, but it did entertain me. It was interesting to see how each spouse got on the other's nerves, and how their relationships deteriorated. The situations ranged from comical to downright nasty. The leads all do good work, especially Edith Roberts. The supporting cast is also good, with Theodore Roberts as Joy's uncle, doing his cigar chomping, and Julia Faye, as Nagel's sister, acting the part of beyotch quite well. The climax has unnecessary melodrama, which I felt weakened the film, and also made the characters seem more reprehensible.

There are some nice bits in the film, particularly between Joy and Mower. When Joy moves into his apartment, she sits down at what seems to be a piano, only to discover it's a hide-a-bed. She draws a bath for Mower, who has just come home from work, and he asks why, noting that it's only Tuesday. When his friends drop over unexpectedly, he invites them to stay for dinner, and they turn out to be boors. Then, Joy lights up in front of everyone, which makes Mower shoot daggers at her.

These mini-spats are far and away the best parts of the movie.
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