A Real Stinker! Total LET DOWN!!!
11 December 2022
I actually BOUGHT this stinkeroo. Mostly for Mr. Langella, who pulled off a great job despite an absolutely abysmal script. Sadly, it had such promise that I watched from beginning to end, so I have twice earned the right to declare... this movie SUCKS!!!

Worst. Story. Ever.

In fact, I don't think this film presented a story. Or a point. Or anything funny at all.

Anyway, this one is about a guy with a talking dog who might be pissed off at his neighbor, who you will never see, while a woman sometimes swims nude without being nude outside his "island" home. All for various unexplained reasons. That's about it. PEE-YEW!

It's a beautiful flop though, which means the crew is awesome. I already said the players are awesome. So, this can only be a failure of artistic vision and leadership! Top rot!

Sheesh! How do you go wrong with Frank Langella????

PS - Mr. Langella, I hope you were well paid, sir. We don't blame you!
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