Beautiful interpretation
13 December 2022
Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio is exactly that, a beautiful and unique interpretation of a classic that explores death and grief in ways that are often emotional and heartbreaking whilst still delivering a fun adventure with gorgeous animation against a classically disturbing Del Toro backdrop.

Gregory Mann gives an incredible lead performance, imbuing Pinocchio with a boundless warmth and naivety that thankfully never becomes annoying. Ewan McGregor makes for a terrific comic relief and is an absolute joy to hear whenever he's on screen.

David Bradley is so good as Geppetto, subtly bringing so much pain to his character that breaks your heart and makes his moments of happiness all the better to experience. Rounding out the cast is Christoph Waltz, on point as usual with another truly evil character.

Guillermo Del Toro's and Mark Gustafson's direction is absolutely phenomenal, everything from the movement of the characters, to their designs and the vibrant colour palette is gorgeous and endlessly watchable. The music by Alexandre Desplat is amazing, giving the film a perfect sense of whimsy for a fairytale.
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