A decent "Jönssonligan" without Gösta Ekman.
25 December 2022
Ofcourse the legendary swedish actor Gösta Ekman is missed. Peter haber does a good job replacing him, but its hard to replace his iconic caractcher. However, this is a good "Jönssonligan" movie, all the characters are in line, Ulf Brunnberg as "Vanheden" and Björn Gustafsson as "Dynamit-Harry" still does their job. The humor is present as well the dialogs. If this movie contained Gösta Ekman ( god rest his soul) it would be a top "Jönssonligan" movie. But something is missing and it doesent quite ad up to the old movies. Where the humor and timing were executed perfectly. If Peter haber would return to a " jönssonligan" movie I world definetly watch it!
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