A.R.C.H.I.E. (2016)
Quite Mediocre Kiddy Flick
31 December 2022
Whether it's the corny plot, terrible dialogue or the extended fart scene (yes, I said extended), this movie is truly for the dogs. See what I did there? That's about the level of humor you can expect from this film.

It's nice to hear Michael J Fox working again, he's not enough to rescue this picture. Fox plays a talking robotic dog designed for military use whose primary programming seems to be spout every cliche ever written. The villains are cartoonishly simple, but then again, so are everyone's motivations.

It is cast and acted as a kind of teenage romcom/adventure, but it feels more like a Nickelodeon flick. Not the worst movie I've ever seen, but even my 10 year olds left the room before it was over. (Spoiler: the good guys win).
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