Sharp Stick (2022)
I liked this movie it was a little odd but made me smile
2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It is an interesting one .......naive is a good word for the main actress ......not sure I'd call it a comedy although it is light & fluffy but never really gets into the drama or comedy it could have been. The funniest bit was her crush on the porn star ....and then he turned out to be a good guy giving her some sage advice on self esteem. The Married lover turned out to be a big disappointment for her ...promised so much delivered a couple of good times but let her down badly. But was played beautifully by Jon Bernthal extremely believable reminded me of my past lol ... guy was weak and not worthy of her affection in the end .. .....anyway it was an interesting way to spend 90 odd minutes ..her "mission " of sexual discovery was interesting.
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