Review of Blink

Eureka: Blink (2006)
Season 1, Episode 7
An idiot A plot and a cringe B plot
7 January 2023
If there's two things I hate about a TV show, it's cringe and idiot plots. This lovely episode has both!

The A plot is just one big idiot plot. Something that happens a lot in Eureka is that for some reason, everyone forgets that they live in the town of the weird and the geniuses, and can't imagine that something out of the ordinary would happen.

There's a death that occurs because someone was running really fast and hit a car. I'm going to ignore that the speeds they're running are way too slow to make them invisible, and instead focus on how nobody believes Sheriff Carter when he suggests this, until they see it with their own eyes. It's not compelling that he's right and everyone else is wrong, because it makes no sense why they wouldn't at least entertain the idea.

The B plot is Carter wants to start a baseball team. And the town makes fun of him, because he stuttered through suggesting it when put on the spot in the town's virtual meeting. It's just cringe, and cringe isn't fun.

If the episode would have focused more on the speedster aspect instead of on Carter trying to convince everyone to listen to him, it might have been an interesting episode. Evil Flash is a lot more fun.
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