Charming Christmas (2015 TV Movie)
A jumbled mess
9 January 2023
Usually these types of films are very straight forward: A person who isn't into Christmas meets a person who is (most likely in their place of work/town), romance happens.

It's always very clear who the sympathetic and the unsympathetic characters are, and who the redeemable ones are. Usually.

Not so in this film. For the first half of the movie Meredith is so irredeemably rude/dismissive to everyone and grossly greedy with nary a positive trait in sight that she comes across as the absolute villain of the movie. That's her whole personality in every scene.

On top of that we constantly get shown the much more likable struggling single mom, which genuinely made me think that SHE would be the actual love interest.

Then Nick appears and pursues Meredith romantically for literally no reason (she's consistently rude to him as well). And somehow that turns her whole personality by 180 degrees within a day??

I am willing to suspend my disbelief a great amount for these types of movies, but that was just ridiculous.

Now I've read in the comments below that this used to be a book with 3 different stories and suddenly the mess makes a lot more sense. This definitely wasn't consolidated well and the side plots seem very disconnected and only confuse the main storyline.
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