Out of Exile (2022)
A generic bank robbery drama with a bit of flavor add to it!!!
20 January 2023
This film is your generic bank robbery thriller but it does add a little flavor itself with a plot of about a man finding a way to redeem himself for his past transgressions while also trying to find a way to escape his criminal lifestyle before it is too late. This kinda of plot is a little different compared most bank robbery films as they are usually about guys trying to make it rich while escaping the law. This film does it differently as Gabe is trying get out of his previous bad deeds but also move on with his life and start a new one with his estranged daughter. Now I did enjoy the performances by Adam Hampton and Ryan Merriman both, I liked the story that Gabe had in this film as he is broken man that has paid for his mistakes by serving prison but due to not knowing life outside of crime, he goes right back into it. It is only when his brother botches the bank job and kills an armored bank guard does he see the errors of his ways. This story of Gabe is really a story of redemption and rebirth. As he tries to redeem himself from his sins by trying to fix all of the issues that he caused plus he plans to get himself a rebirth by starting a whole new life without crime involved. Now Adam's performance is very strong in this film and you can tell that he truly embraced the character that he is acting as. Which I very well enjoyed. Now Ryan Merriman may have just had the best performance of his career in this film. As Merriman usually is an actor who casted in very small time b Rated films or horror movies and isn't really take serious as a A-listed actor. But his performance in this movie was quite impressive as he plays an intimidating and cunning FBI agent very well. In fact as audience member I was blown away with how convincing his performance was as he looked intimidating onscreen which is incredible to say given Merriman's previous work. But hopefully this film may open the door for Ryan Merriman to have more serious and A-graded roles in the future. Now the one problem that I had with the movie was its ending as I felt it was a little too dark and depressing especially after the redemption arc that the story takes you on plus the ending is one of the those open ended cliffhangers that make you have to have own interpretation. I don't mind open ended films if they are necessary, I just didn't think that this film needed an open ended ending and should have had a more grounded and solid structured ending instead. But that is just my critique and opinion on the film. Overall though I had a decent fun time with this film and I could definitely see myself watching it again.
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