Some good laughs made it worth watching.
23 January 2023
Someone stated this movie is only for people with an IQ of 30. I can't agree with that. That's like stating members of Mensa have a different sense of humour, not able to enjoy a bit of mindless banter. Your IQ has absolutely nothing to do with your sense of humour but I guess that's too difficult to understand for that reviewer. Comedies will never get only positive or negative reviews. We all have a different sense of humour so what's funny to someone looks dumb to somebody else. My IQ is above average but still far from Mensa and so is my wife's and we both enjoyed Bro's Before Ho's, mainly due to the character played by Henry Van Loon who doesn't look like a gangster at all but hearing him speak the "gangsta" lingo was just funny. Tim Haars on the other hand could play Prince Harry if somebody ever thinks about making a movie about him. His physical attributes are the same as the by now famous Duke of Sussex. I don't say he's a great actor but that's mostly due to the characters he plays most of the time like in The Netherlands immensely popular New Kids movies. Bro's Before Ho's is a bit simple, I'll concede to that, but there are enough funny scenes to make it entertaining and you don't have to understand Dutch to enjoy it. I do but my wife doesn't and she had the same fun as me watching this movie. Just don't expect a life changing story, but just a bit of mindless banter.
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