Eccentric but could have done with better pacing
25 January 2023
'Naked Girl Murdered in the Park' is a fun Spanish/Italian Giallo flick with a lavish setting, an engaging plot and plenty of bizarre chaos going on to keep you entertained. The movie isn't as stylishly shot as some of the other Giallo's from this time period, but looks compentent enough with some effective camerawork and stunning locations.

The plot = A millionaire is found dead just hours after taking out a million dollar life insurance and an investigator Chris Buyer (Robert Hoffmann) sets out to solve the mystery by getting close to the dead man's family where secrets are revealed and more people start to get killed off.

This is a solid enough entry in the Giallo genre but doesn't quite manage to rise to iconic levels due to a few factors holding back such as the slow pace of the first half which felt rather pedestrian, but thankfully things kick into gear once they arrive at the family's house and the English audio track on the copy that I watched was flat and muffled. The death scenes were a bit lackluser as they were mostly off screen and this could have done with some more memorable set pieces as that could have really elevated this movie. Other than that the movie was pretty decent and the mystery element did keep me interested and leads to a totally bonkers and tense finale which does make up for some of the movie's lacking qualities.

The cast are good here with some decent performances such as Robert Hoffmann providing a solid performance, Irina Demick was hammy, over the top and entertaining as hell and Adolfo Celi also provided decent support. Pilar Velazquez wasn't given much to do but she was okay and Patrizia Adiutori had potential for an interesting character, but again wasn't given much to do.

Overall 'Naked Girl Murdered in the Park' is fun and eccentric but not quite a classic of the genre and could have done with a tighter pace for a more thrilling experience.
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