"Garbage Day!"
4 February 2023
This is a strange movie with two major issues. First of all the acting of the lead is famously terrible. Most notably in the shooting spree scene (Hence the title of this review). It's a cheap B-Movie so that's not a deal breaker in itself. The second issue though is the film is about 50-60% a retelling of the first film using the footage of that film and this is not a long film (It even has extra long credits to pad it out).

What that means is that if you have seen the first film, what you get from this is a 30 minute story that follows one character played by the worst actor in the film. No good and you can see why it has that reputation.

However, if you have not seen the first film or just don't remember it, then this really does help to lift up the overall quality. The extra pace it gives the story shifts the focus almost totally away from any character other than the two psychopaths, with just the Mother Superior really being the only other character that has any kind of presence. For most genres that would be a bad thing, but in a slasher movie it just lets you soak in the lowbrow joys of absolute carnage instead.

What this means is while there is now way to look at this film and conclude it is "good", it is actually quite fun and for a B-Movie slasher that is all it needs to be. So, if you haven't seen the first one this is a worthy 5/10 level lowbrow B-movie that will entertain you for the majority of it.

But the fact is, the movie is a sequel. When most people watch a sequel they aren't expecting to spend 60% of it watching the first movie again. That drags the core down, but still a 3/10 is higher than what I expected to score it after seeing the infamous "Garbage Day" scene on youtube.
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