Well made documentary detailing the fall of a myth
10 February 2023
I watched most of Lance Armstrong's seven Tour de France "wins" as they happened. I had a yellow bracelet, I owned his two memoirs, and I bought into the myth. It wasn't until just before his seventh "win" that I began to wonder if the rumors and allegations were true. I brecame convinced he was riding dirty when he staged his ill-advised comeback to the Tour, finishing third (this after Floyd Landis was disqualifed). Since then, I've seen several news stories and documentaries and have read several articles. So when I recently watched this documentary, several years after it was made in 2014, I didn't learn much new.

Still, I found this documentary to be very well done with lots of first-person accounts to build the case against Armstrong.

My only complaint is that after spending so much time with Betsy Andreu and Greg LeMond, detailing how Armstrong bullied, threatened, and did everything he could to destroy their characters, and with is non-apology confession on "Oprah," I would have liked to have seen more of a follow-up with Andreu and LeMond. I suppose that is for the sequel.
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