Another Ho-Hum Horror-ible Flick
12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
100 Ghost Street is as predictable as the rising and setting of the sun. Why? Because it is a ripoff of many top-notch films, redone in a spectacularly awful fashion. Here's the formula: overly-moronic ghost hunters who love to separate and get picked off one by one; a clearly inescapable building with just one, yes, one key; of course, no cell phone coverage to call in the cavalry; a nonsensical klicking noise whenever the "whatever-it-is" is about to attack ala the original 1980 "Friday the 13th;" a completely unoriginal ending where the survivor barely escapes the bloodbath in the building to be nabbed, breathless, outside; and, everyone is constantly filming their demises instead of dropping all and fleeing. And shamefully, the film is based on real victims of a real serial killer without the slightest regard for the grief of the real families and survivors. Consequently, 100 Ghost Street should be consigned to the graveyard of trashy films as an act of justice and warning to any other profiteering filmmakers unscrupulous enough to line their pockets while standing on the hallowed ground of the broken hearts of real people.
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