A unique addition to the giallo genre
17 February 2023
Crazy Desires of a Murderer (1977) is an Italian giallo picture that I recently watched on Prime. The storyline follows a rich young lady who comes home with some friends after a recent trip to Asia. Her home is an extravagant mansion where her dad, brother, family doctor and house keeper also live. When her friends start getting murdered who could be responsible?

This movie is directed by Filippo Walter Ratti (Erika) and stars Isabelle Marchall (Magnificent Dare Devil), Annie Carol Edel (Almost Human), Patrizia Gori (Nathalia: Escape from Hell), Gaetano Russo (Crazy Blood) and Corrado Gaipa (The Godfather).

This was a unique addition to the giallo genre. The settings, background music, gorgeous ladies and nude scenes were classic giallo. There's only one giallo stalking sequence, which was just okay. The kill scenes were better than I anticipated with good stab sequence, a worthwhile throat slash scene and great use of eyeballs. The blond murdered in the bed was by far the best kill scene. I did wish there were more kills. The blood in this was more realistic than the red paint blood in most giallo films. The fights were very average and the killer was a bit predictable, but I still found this worth a viewing. I would score this a 6.5/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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